ibtl columns

  • Bharat Itihaas
  • Shri Krishna Janmashtami

    Wednesday, Aug 28,2013, 11:08 IST .

    The people of this country never had any doubts about the historicity of Krishna until the colonial invaders projected Krishna as a mythical figure cooked up by wonderful stories.

    The story of Krishna is deeply embedded in the cultural fabric of India and the people of this land revere Him as a Divinity. The colonial hangover has however left a doubt on the historicity of this highly..

  • Research Paper on 1931 Kashmir Riots

    Saturday, Jul 13,2013, 13:25 IST .

    1931 Kashmir Riots: 13th July 1931 saw an expression of extreme form of communalism from the majority community of the Kashmir valley - the Kashmiri Muslims. In the name of protest against the local king - Maharaja Hari Singh, the Kashmiri Muslims unleashed gruesome violence on the Hindus living in the Kashmir valley.

    The Simmering: It was on June 21..

  • Satyamev Jayate: How the truth won over Secular and waqf deception

    Thursday, Apr 05,2012, 01:30 IST .

    Secularists’ lies and unscathed Truth - In the winter of 2002-2003, the Court had secretly ordered a search of the site with a ground-penetrating radar by the company Tojo Vikas International Ltd., which had gained fame with its role in the construction of the Delhi underground railway. Canadian geophysicist Claude Robillard concluded from the scans that “there is..

  • Ayodhya after partition - secular lies and killings of karsewaks

    Tuesday, Apr 03,2012, 00:10 IST .

    Ramlala’s advent to brutal killing of Karsewaks : In 1949, after India had earned freedom from British rule and Muslims under Jinnah had carved out a separate Islamic state of Pakistan dividing the motherland, large gatherings of Ramayan recitation began in and around the site. On the mid-night of 22nd December 1949, Ram-lala is said to have ‘appeared’ as te..

  • Ramrajya to Mughal kingdom to Secular rule, the tradition of Ram worship continued

    Sunday, Apr 01,2012, 17:00 IST .

    From Ram to Babur : So the tradition of Ram worship continued. The various literary and scriptural sources seem to have culminated in the Ayodhya Mahatmaya composed somewhere in the 12th or 13th Century AD. The Ayodhya Mahatmaya describes the various holy spots and extols the pilgrimage to the city of Ayodhya as the best means of salvation.

  • Unconquerable Ayodhya, the kingdom of Kosal

    Saturday, Mar 31,2012, 18:34 IST .

    Ayodhya - literally means ‘Unconquerable’. The mention of Ayodhya as the capital of the emperors of the Soorya Dynasty (Soorya Vansh) is found in ancient Sanskrit scriptures including the Ramayan. Ayodhya is known to have been founded by Manu, and the dynasty of Raghu, Aja, Dashrath ruled here. Ram, the iconic hero of Ramayan was born at this place, as per scriptures.

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